Welcome to Avensong!
We hope this newsletter will provide our owners and residents helpful information about what’s happening in our neighborhood!
If you have any questions about this content or Avensong, please feel contact the Avensong HOA at hoa@avensong.org!
In order to receive real-time e-blast updates, owners and residents must "Register" (link at the top right of this page).
Homeowners who register will also receive a password that allows them access to the Owner Information page on this site where they can download important notices and information from the Board of Directors.
Clubhouse/Pool Fence Replacement This Month
(Posted October 11, 2024)
The fencing around the clubhouse and pool is being replaced starting October 14!
Residents are reminded to please respect the temporary fencing that will be placed around the pool for your own safety.
There will be a lot happening around the area (landscape materials being cut back, demolition of the existing fence, installation of the new fence and locks) so please stay alert when in the area and pay attention to any special notices posted around and please read updates sent to you by email.
The bathrooms will be closed for the duration of the fence replacement project.
The tennis and basketball courts will still be open for use, but please be careful if you come across any materials or machinery in the common area related to the fence replacement.
We expect everything to be complete in about a month and we will keep you posted on the progress.
Thank you in advance for your patience.
If you have any questions about this project, please let us know!
City of Milton Wants Your Input!
(Posted October 11, 2024)
The City of Milton is creating a new guiding Recycling and Solid Waste Management Plan and they would like your opinions as residents of the city.
As residents we know what works and what we'd like to see. The City of Milton would like to incorporate public input into recommendations on matters such as the best, most efficient, most effectives ways (as a community) to dispose of household garbage, collect and handle different types of recyclables, approach “hazardous materials” like chemicals and paint, as well as what to do with leaves, branches, and other yard waste
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey found at: https://form.jotform.com/242546099512056.
Amenity Reminders
In and around the clubhouse
Propping Open Secured Gates and Doors is Prohibited!
The gates and doors around the pool and tennis courts require secure card access for everyone’s safety and protection. Propping these gates and doors open leaves the neighborhood (you!) open to security concerns, damages and liability. It also causes damage to the gates and locking mechanisms. Anyone caught propping open secured gates and doors, or accessing the amenities by any means other than using an active amenity card will be subject to loss of amenity privileges. (Smile, you’re on video camera!)
No Parking at the Clubhouse without HOA approval!
Any unauthorized parking at the clubhouse will result in your vehicle being towed. If yoiu or your guests want to park at the clubhouse (extra house guests, moving van, etc.) please contact the HOA to get a parking permit (no charge!). If we don’t have your vehicle make/tag info on file, your vehicle may be towed. Contact hoa@avensong.org for more information and to get a parking permit!
Amenity Committee Volunteers Needed
We are still looking for volunteers to help the Board of Directors keep an eye on things in and around the amenities. If you’ll be using the amenities and would be interested in helping keep them fun and safe for everyone (you are not “amenity police” and will not have to confront anyone) please email hoa@avensong.org. If you have already volunteered, thank you and someone will be contacting you soon!
Community Safety
Around the amenities
Parents - remind your children they should NOT climb the fences around the amenities. The fencing is not meant to be a climbing toy. Climbing the fencing not only damages the fencing (and we have to close amenities), you could get seriously hurt if you fall off the fence.
Please remember the amenities are for all Avensong residents to use and enjoy. We ask that you keep other people in mind when playing in and around our amenities and common areas. Show respect to your neighbors and to the amenities. If you are playing or riding your bike in the parking lot, please watch for cars and stay far away from parked cars. Parents should accompany small children when they are playing on the play structure. If you bring potential trash with you to the common areas (food containers, bottles, bags) please take any trash with you when you leave. If your amenity card is activated, please place trash in the receptacles stored under the clubhouse deck.
Bicycle and Skateboard Safety
The Milton Police would like to remind all parents to make sure your kids are wearing helmets when riding their bikes. This is a law in the City of Milton, but more importantly, wearing a helmet could prevent serious injury in the event of an accident.
Children should also be extra careful when riding bikes and skateboards on the streets throughout our community. Many drivers don’t keep an eye out for bikes and skateboards and sadly, don't often stop at stop signs. Whether riding or walking, please make sure the intersections are clear before going through them, especially the two main intersections near the clubhouse: Avensong Ives/Avensong Crossing and Avensong Ives/Avensong Village Circle.
When riding bikes, scooters and skateboards or playing in the clubhouse parking lot, please stay away from parked cars. You may not know when a car is about to pull out or someone is about to open their car door. You also don’t want to damage someone's car with a bike or other toy.
Avensong’s Dogs
If your dog is not in your yard please respect your neighbors; control and pick up after your dogs.
Dogs are not permitted to run off-leash in Avensong or in the City of Milton. If you are allowing your dog to run around the community off-leash, you may receive a $50.00 fine.
The pet waste issue continues to be a big problem for our community. Please remember to pick up after your dog. Not only is it a law in the City of Milton, it is the polite thing to do. We do have a $50.00 “Instant Penalty” for not picking up after your dog when not on your own property. If you see someone not pick up after their dog, please take a picture of the person with the dog and the mess they left behind. When we identify the human, they’ll be issued a fine. (This penalty and others can be found on the Governing Documents tab of this website.)
Avensong is NOT a Farming Community!
We have been getting requests for, and complaints about, residents who wish to raise/house chickens and other non-traditional pets in their yards. While we appreciate area farmers’ contributions to our community, Avensong is not a farming community.
Non-traditional pets, oversized gardens, and large numbers of fruit trees create “nuisance situations” for your neighbors and are prohibited by our Governing Documents. If you wish to raise your own food, please purchase land outside of Avensong.
While we appreciate that many of you want to use your yards to help feed your families, please consider the impact these will have on your neighbors.
Our Governing Documents prohibit animals that are non-traditional pets, specifically poultry.
From our Covenants –
Article VII – Use Restrictions and Rules, Section 8 – Animals and Pets
No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind may be raised, bred, kept, or permitted on any Lot, except that dogs, cats, or other usual and common household pets in reasonable number, as determined by the Board, may be kept on a Lot.
If you wish to plant fruit trees in your back yard, please review the tree information in our Community Design Standards. Large trees, or multiple fruit trees, can cause property damage to you and your neighbors due to our small lot sizes and the location of underground utilities. The fruit will also attract unwanted animals to the surrounding properties, resulting in a nuisance violation which will include fines and the removal of the tree(s) at the owner’s cost.
Small, back yard gardens, that do not cause a nuisance to your neighbors (don’t attract pests, rodents, or snakes), and do not touch your neighbor’s home/property, are permitted.
If you have questions about what is permitted in Avensong (animals, gardens) please contact ACC@avensong.org.
HOA Committees need your help!
If you live in Avensong, this is your community and the HOA Board of Directors needs your help taking care of it! We have several committees with openings and would love to have more of our residents involved!
If you are interested in being a part of any of these committees, or would like more information on what they do, please email hoa@avensong.org and put "committees" in the subject line!
Architectural Control Committee
In 2018 the ACC completed an update of our community design standards. We'll be doing that again toward the end of the year and would like volunteers to help with that. We'd love to have people with a flair for style, designers, real estate agents and contractors, professionals or hobbyists! If you are an owner or resident in Avensong and would be interested in working on a Design Standards review and update this fall, please contact ACC@avensong.org.
Please remember an ACC Change Request form must be submitted and approval received before exterior changes to your home or landscaping can begin. In the event that any exterior work without prior approval of the ACC occurs, the board may impose an immediate fine of $250.00 with additional daily fines possible.
The Design Standards and Application for Architectural Change can be found on the "Governing Documents" page of this website.
If you have questions about our community standards, exterior projects you are considering for your home or the ACC process, please contact the ACC at ACC@avensong.org.
Amenity Committee
If you enjoy our amenities and would like to help the Board of Directors keep them safe and open, please volunteer to help us do that! We need eyes and ears to give us a head's up if something isn't working or if there are other problems. We'd also love to get some positive feedback and ideas about how we can improve things around our community. We are not looking for "police" or "enforcement", just a little help making sure our residents are enjoying themselves. If you'd be interested in helping with this committee, please contact hoa@avensong.org.
If you have other ideas for our community, please let us know! We're always willing to hear from our neighbors!
The Neighborhood Watch
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you call 9-1-1 from your cell phone you MUST mention CITY OF MILTON or your call will be routed to Forsyth County!
Currently we are not holding regularly scheduled Neighborhood Watch meetings. As the Milton Police Department provides us with crime watch updates, we will share them on the "Crime Watch" page of this website.
Future Happenings
Please check our Upcoming Events page, our Community Calendar and this Newsletter page regularly for updates about what's going on in Avensong!
If you have not registered on this website, please do so. You will be added to our email list and you will receive regular updates and notices about Avensong happenings!
If you have any comments, thoughts or questions about our community, we’d love to hear from you! Please visit our Board Members & Contacts page for how to email any of the HOA Boards of Directors and management company personnel.